Sunday, February 1, 2009

The rumor is true

I am going on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been called to serve in Montevideo, Uruguay! I will leave March 18th, spend two months in the Buenos Aires, Argentina missionary training center, then go on to conquer Uruguay! And when I say conquer, I mean bring lost souls unto Christ. Can you call that conquering? Either way, I am ecstatic, and can't think of anything better to do, as I know there are many people who need and deserve to know of God's love for them. I can't wait to share the truth and happiness that I have with others. And I can't think of any better way to show my Heavenly Father my thanks for all He's done for me, and blessed me with. I know I will be scared (right now, I'm not even close to feeling that), and I know, without a doubt, that I will miss my family. But, I also know that this is what I need to do; and I want to. I have never been more excited for, or more sure of anything. Opening that white envelope was the most amazing feeling in the world. I am going to serve the Lord, and I will be serving him in Montevideo, Uruguay! Well, I know He really loves me, because he's sending me out of the country, like I truley hoped for, and He's sending me to a nice (by nice, I mean: clean, pretty, safe, not politically corrupt, etc.) place. Yep, I'm a lucky girl! I can't wait to meet the wonderful people in Uruguay! I have to start brushin' up on that high school spanish!


Rubyjuice said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting! I know you will be such an awesome missionary!

t & e said...

Katie! Congrats! That is where Daniel served his mission so if you want to ask him questions just go to his blog, he is a link on my page under daniel and lauren. So are you just at home until you leave? I am so excited for you. You are going to be awesome. Congrats again!

Katie said...

Thanks so much, you two! I am so excited!

JENNIFER said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I just have to say that I am very excited that you are serving a mission! I got goose bumps when I was reading about it! You have such a pure spirit and will be a wonderful instrument in Christ's hands! Your family is continuing to expand and you all look so beautiful (of course) and happy!

Liz Harnish said...

Way Cool! I've heard Montevideo is a beautiful city, I'm planning on visiting some day! What a great adventure ahead, I'm so excited for you. My time as a missionary has blessed my life in inmeasurable ways (it's through my mission that I met Willie!), I learned so much about myself and the Savior, and how he works in people's lives. Have a blast for me!

Kristin said...

Big, fatty congrats KT!!! We're sooo excited for you. You'll be awesome!